Bestseller - Arbitration in Switzerland: The Practitioner’s Guide, 2nd Edition

Nater Dallafior is pleased to see that "Arbitration in Switzerland: The Practitioner's Guide, 2nd Edition" is a bestseller according to Wolters Kluwer. Edited by our partner Manuel Arroyo, this is the most comprehensive treatise on the law and practice of international arbitration in Switzerland. The second edition comprises almost 3'000 pages and includes, inter alia, an article-by-article commentary on Chapter 12 PILS (the lex arbitri), the Swiss Rules of International Arbitration, the ICC Arbitration Rules, the CAS Procedural Rules, and the WIPO Arbitration Rules (for a summary of all chapters, see below). In addition to editing this two-volume treatise, Manuel Arroyo has authored over 180 pages of legal commentary on Arts. 190-191 PILS, Art. 42 Swiss Rules, and Arts. 30, 37, 38 ICC Rules, including Appendix VI.

For further information, see: https://lrus.wolterskluwer.com/store/product/arbitration-in-switzerland-the-practitioner-s-guide-2nd-edition/